Everyday Essentials | What’s in my bag

Happy Friday! I always love reading these “what’s in my bag” posts, so I thought I would make my own. Most of the time my purse is a disaster of receipts and gum wrappers, but I decided to edit down for the sake of a pretty picture.

what's in my bag(I added links to everything I could, in case any of the brands/products interest you. )

Dr. Bronner’s Hand Sanitizer – I love this stuff! I currently have the lavender kind, and it smells amazing!

Alima Pure Pressed Powder in “Aspen” – For touch-ups on-the-go. I definitely recommend any of Alima Pure’s products. They are completely cruelty-free and natural, and extremely high quality.

Lipgloss from Mineral Fusion – If you’re looking for a natural lip gloss, this is a great one!

Chapstick – Dry lips drive me crazy, so I always have chapstick on me. This one is from Badger and although it’s not my favorite scent, it does the job. If you’re looking for THE MOST AMAZING CHAPSTICK EVER, check out this one.

Mini Travel Bag – Just to keep things organized. I usually keep my money and makeup in here so I can find them easier. This bag is from Della, which is a really awesome company that specializes in handcrafted and sustainable styles.

Sunnies – I’m always loosing and/or ruining my sunglasses, so I LOVE these $10 ones from Amazon. Portland isn’t that sunny most of the time, but I like having these around for driving or if I get a migraine.

Punch/gift Cards – Obviously I have some sort of punch card problem. I usually forget I have them and then get another one — at one point I had 4 punch cards from the same place — oops! Here I have cards from Tea Bar, Tea Chai Te, Moberi, Fat Straw, Kiva and Dragonfly Coffee House.

Emotional Ally from Wish Garden Herbs – This is something new I’m trying for my anxiety. It’s an herbal remedy I found at Whole Foods that contains St John’s Wort aerials, Motherwort aerials, Milky Oatseed tops, Passionflower aerials, Scullcap aerials and Spikenard root. It could just be a placebo affect, but I honestly do think it helps! I might follow up and do a full post about it later.

A Snack – Because I hate being hungry! Currently loving these granola bars from 365.

Keys – This might seems like an insignificant item, but it’s actually not. Driving is a huge trigger for my anxiety, but I’ve made a lot of progress this year. I just bought my very own car! I mostly use it for work, but I’m taking things a day at a time and building up confidence. Super thankful to my friends and family who have been supportive and understanding through everything

So there’s a little peek into my life/bag. Thanks for joining!


P.S. I just added the option to subscribe to my blog – you can sign up through Bloglovin on my side bar.

About Allegra

I am an Italian-American dual citizen sharing all about my recent move from Portland, Oregon to Southern Italy. I hope to highlight the journey of finding a home in a new country, and inspire others to embark on their own adventures.

Ora Organic